
In English

In English

VCD Brandenburg in English language

The Brandenburg section of the Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD, Traffic Club Germany) was founded in 1991 as a public interest association. The association aims to further environmentally friendly and socially affordable traffic conditions. We are interested in questions of traffic and environmental policy in the cities and country districts of the state of Brandenburg. VCD Brandenburg stands for a traffic regime that positions the human being and the environment in the middle.

VCD Brandenburg sees as its task to promote the interests of pedestrians, cyclists, users of public transportation and car and motor bicycle drivers, who care for the environment.

VCD Brandenburg is one of the state sections of the federally organized VCD (see In our state, we cooperate with other ecologically oriented associations such as NABU, Grüne Liga, NaturFreunde, ANU and BUND. We are happy, if you are interested in our work and wish to support us. If you desire further information (also in English), please contact us under: info[at]

Our topics and activities in the past years dealt with the following issues:


  • Bicycle in the city

  • Tree-lined avenues in the countryside (a specialty of Brandenburg) and trees in the urban public area

  • S-Bahn/ urban rail connections between Berlin and surrounding municipalities

  • Tram (streetcar) systems in the cities of Brandenburg

  • Combination of traffic modes/ design of railway stations

  • Making it possible to reach any place in Brandenburg without your own car/ mobility in the countryside

  • Railway: Pulse schedule and tariff system

  • Air traffic and Berlin-Brandenburg airport (BER)

We are present in the public with an information stand on different occasions. Our events you can find under „Termine“.


We engage ourselves in the public debate through press releases on topcis, in which we have expertise. You can find our press releases under „Presse“

We inform regularly about various ecological traffic-related issues and news on our „Start“-page.


You can find our Vision („Leitbild“), the portraits of our Board of Directors („Vorstand“) and our bi-annual member magazine („Mitgliederrundbriefe“) on this page („Über uns“).


Please ask a German-speaking person in your surroundings for translation or contact us!

Termine des Landsverbands Brandenburg

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