With this survey and the project it is a part of we aim to create a platform to talk about discrimination and violence – specifically such that takes place in public space or transport.
Many people’s access to mobility, e.g. with buses or trains, is limited by certain barriers or they experience hostility or physical and sexualised violence in public space and transport.
However, these experiences and burdens are often ignored and downplayed – but with your help we want to change that! We are organising a day of action during which we will “exhibit” stories of those affected on the streets and online so that these experiences can no longer be overlooked. Additionally, we are compiling a list of political demands to show the changes that need to be made in Brandenburg.
If you want to joins us in demanding change and making these problems visible, you can fill in this questionnaire and talk about your experiences with discrimination. Using your answers, we can draft political demands and – if you consent to it – we would also like to use them for the day of action.
Some people who are part of this project may not have made the same or similar experiences as you have. We all have to listen, learn and grow.
We know that this is about something very personal and oftentimes uncomfortable or painful and thus want to thank you very much for sharing you experiences with us.
We also know that discrimination is a difficult topic that is often made a taboo which can make it hard to realise that you have experienced it yourself. Therefore, we want to give you some examples:
Still, these are only examples.
If you want to know more about discrimination, you can read these descriptions of different forms (they are in German though).
If you prefer to share your experiences in a different way, you can contact us via e-mail (info@vcd-brandenburg.de) and send us a few lines, a voice message, a video or a creative depiction of your experience – however you like.
Finally, some information regarding the publication: